Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Our April Meeting

 The speaker at our April meeting was Dr M Faye Prior, textile curator at York Castle Museum. She talked about the acquisition, conservation and display of museum textiles, with the emphasis on 17 century raised work, more popularly known as stumpwork. We saw images of beautiful caskets and mirror frames and Faye gave us a deeper understanding of the design process, stitch techniques used, and the stories these pieces told. 

We also had the competition for a piece done from a kit, book or magazine, with Jacqs’ 
delightful doll the winner. She is a lady of a certain age and looks a touch eccentric. I mean the doll of course!  The entries were varied in style and technique but all equally cleverly stitched. We always enjoy seeing each other’s work so many thanks to those who entered. The draw for the bursary of up to £100 for a course or workshop was won by Denise who is to take an RSN workshop on, coincidentally, raised work. Thanks to all those who entered. There’s always next year! 

Two new stitch clubs begin at the next meeting, Jose’s stitching small  and Chris Beaver’s embroidered dolls, and the speaker will be Tanya Bentham. Tanya is sure to be highly entertaining as well as informative on mediaeval embroidery. There’ll be more examples of the 52 stitches challenge for us to see and be inspired by. 

YES is thriving, with new members joining each month which is very pleasing.