About Us

Welcome to the blog page for York Embroiderers and Stitchers. We are a friendly group of stitch and textile enthusiasts of all levels of ability and experience. We welcome new members and visitors at our monthly meetings. You can find our programme by clicking on the tab at the top of the page.

Meetings are held from 10.30am to 3.30pm in Haxby Memorial Hall near York on the first Saturday in the month unless the hall is unavailable, in which case an alternative date is found. There is a break for lunch between 12.30 until 1.15, however this pattern might alter according to the programme for that day. The afternoon session usually starts at 1.30. 

Generally the morning is reserved for sewing - members can take part in organised Stitch Club sessions, or bring their own sewing along and chat with friends while sewing. In the afternoon we often have outside speakers, or talks and demonstrations from some of our own members. There is a £2 charge on the door. 

Social Stitchers
We also have a Zoom Meeting once a month, at 7:30pm usually on the third Wednesday of every month. For more information contact Nicky at  yorkembroiderersandstitchers@gmail.com

Stitch Club: We endeavour to run two different stitch club workshops/courses at every meeting. They are tutored by members of YES and each project takes from two to six sessions. Recent stitch club projects include Wessex Stitchery, stump-work pinwheels and needle cases, Gelli printing on fabric, blackwork, wet felting and crewelwork. Current stitch clubs are paper piecing and Boro.  Members can sign up for Stitch Club courses in advance. Members not taking part generally work on their own stitching.


Sales Table: There is a monthly sales table of stitching materials, books and magazines donated by members. A contribution is requested unless a particular item is priced individually. 


Refreshments: Tea/coffee and biscuits are provided before the meeting ends at 3:30pm. Members are asked to sign up to a rota to help with this. Members can bring a packed lunch or use the cafes in Haxby. Takeaway drinks and food are available from a number of places close to the hall. Lunch can be taken in the garden when the weather is good, but as outdoor seating is limited, we recommend that you bring a suitable chair. 


Triennial Exhibition: Our last exhibition was in 2022. The theme was Hedgerows although work unrelated to the theme was also be exhibited. Look for the blog post with lots of lovely pictures. Our next exhibition will be in June 2025 and the theme this time is "Architexture". The exhibition is held at the Tithe Barn in Nether Poppleton, a lovely venue.  Click here for more info.

Facebook and Instagram

We have a private Facebook Group for members of YES only, and a public Facebook Page here

And on Instagram we are @yorkembroiderersandstitchers

For more information, email yorkembroiderersandstitchers@gmail.com

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