Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Our Exhibition, "A Celebration of Stitch"

 ‘A Celebration of Stitch’, our triennial exhibition held at the end of June was a great success. There was lots of beautiful work, traditional and contemporary and much admired by the many visitors. Also lots of interest in the stitch group itself, resulting in some new members. The special theme this time was Hedgerows, and the centrepiece of the exhibition was a row of beautifully wrapped and decorated branches creating a stunning hedge. As ever this three day event was a team effort.  Along with all the work on display, the sales stand, homemade refreshments,  lovely venue  and nice weather made it a very enjoyable experience for everyone. A great deal of work involved but well worth it. A number of people asked if we did this every year! 

Here are a few views of the beautiful hedgerow

And here is a selection of the beautiful work made by some of our members

Monday, August 1, 2022

Our July Meeting

For our July Meeting we were treated to short talks from three of our members. 

Jose Gledhill talked about inspirational teachers and workshops, and we were delighted to see some of the pieces she has made. She very generously donated an original piece by Richard Box which was raffled. 

Celia Ankers talked about the conversation of ecclesiastical pieces, and showed us some truly amazing pieces of embroidery saved from destruction. 

Sue Giles talked about shibori dying and let us into the secrets of some of her techniques. She also modelled her wonderful kimono, made from fabric she has dyed.