October Meeting
Saturday was rather a grey day but there was plenty of colour in the hall with a wide range of stitched and embroidered work being done. Some members brought their own projects to work on whilst others joined a stitch group to try something new.
Maggie's group continued to experiment with printing. Vintage glassware was inked up and printed onto fabric with acrylic paint to create textural images that could be embellished with stitch.
Maggie's printed and stitched piece
Lynne's work in progress
Sharon's group continued working on their embroidered colour wheels using satin stitch, colonial knots, french knots and pistil stitch.
A display of members' work was set up in the hall. This showcased an inspirational and very varied range of work that had been made during the past year. The photo below shows just part of a serene improvised piece Eileen created to reflect her love of the Greek coastline.
In the afternoon the AGM took place with reports from the Chair and Treasurer. In summary the group is going from strength to strength, welcoming new members, running a varied programme of speakers and workshops and maintaining financial stability. The Ida Barber Trophy was presented to Jacqueline for the lovely piece of crewel work that had been chosen in September. Chris (outgoing Chair) and Jacqs (outgoing Programme Secretary) were thanked warmly for their dedicated service to the YES. It is to be hoped that they will be able to enjoy more stitching time from now on! Diane, Angela and Jacqueline joined the committee. Liz remained as Treasurer and Nicky took on the Chair role so the YES looks to be in safe hands. We look forward to an interesting and companionable year ahead. Visitors and new members are always welcome.
Chris and Jacqs
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